
Our first picture of the month came with a little party
on the 15th february where the whole Clan was together at Dildo's
and Checkor's Home.
Whow that was really fun - that´s all I can admit now.
left-to-right: Rieke, Tina, Do_Volly, Do_Silly_Bitch, Anna
Ties-05-2002 top
The Tie Session. With Checkor's Birthday our friends the Ties (Tiekrümel and Tiekiller) came to us. They stayed a few days with us and here are a few pics from the days.


Checkors25th top
Checkor's little Birthdayparty. It was a nice little session - have a look.


Floyd-04-2002 top
The Session with Floyd. It was in April when Floyd visited us for a Weekend. We had a barbecue and small Do-Session. Volly gave up (because he drunk too much) in the middle of it. Dildo and me decided to revive him - so we did. See yourself what i mean :o)


Session-02-2002 top
Not much to tell about the little session in February. Anna, Rieke, Denise and Bernd came to have this little party with us.


Sylvester2002 top
The Sylvester to 2002. We had a little party (again). Benmaxx and DJ-Fuck visited us for the celebration...


Sylvester2001 top
The Sylvester to 2001. Hackman, and Benmaxx came to us. This was one of the hardest parties ever in the Do-Clan history...


© by Martin "Do Checkor" Timmermann